The Able Assist Transfer Aid provides a safe and easy solution for a carer wishing to transfer a client. It enables users to participate in transfers, maintaining their independence, and is ideal for transferring users from room to room.
- It is very manoeuvrable and light to use
- Manufactured with a substantial aluminium robust frame
- Maximum user weight limit of 185kg
- The Able Assist enables users to participate in transfers, maintaining independence of the individual
- Ideal for transferring users from room to room
- The Able Assist is ideal for those users who can raise from a seated position to a standing position
- The user can have their legs supported by the knee brace and hold onto the horizontal bar in front of them
- The 4 wheels, 2 of which have brakes, enable this aid to be manoeuvred easily from room to room
- The narrow width enables the carer to manoeuvre easily through standard doorways
- The Able Assist can be wheeled directly up to a toilet, with wheels positioned either side of the toilet, offering the user more dignity to sit down
- third party:
- yes
- Yes