Enable NSW

Cobalt Health is a registered provider with Enable NSW
EnableNSW provides assistive technology and related services to people in NSW with specific, short term or ongoing health needs to assist them to live safely at home.

Related FAQ’s
How do I know if Im eligible?
The best way to check eligibility is to start by filling out the SWEP eligibitlity indicator which here. Keep in mind the indicator is intended as a guide only
How do I apply for Enable NSW?
There are multiple eligibility check points that you should consider prior to applying. The Eligibility indicator will help with that. Also make sure you speak to your health professional as they can complete the relevant equipment request forms on your nehalf. Finally visit here for more information on how to apply.
Who owns the equipment that is issued by EnableNSW?
Most devices issued through EnableNSW remain the property of NSW Health. Consumers are expected to return devices issued through EnableNSW when the devices are no longer required or being used. NB: exceptions include prosthetic limbs, orthotic devices and special footwear which become the property of the consumer.
How can I order EnableNSW contracted products from Cobalt?
Your health care professional will help with the selection of the appropriiate equipment and filling out of the required forms to place an order for you.